viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010


1. What was Pavlov actually studying when he developed his theory of classical conditioning?
Pavlov was studying the digestive system of mammals, specifically dogs.
2. Explain (in detail) how Pavlov's experiment was conducted.
Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate when they heard a specific bell sound. He did this by ringing a bell everytime he was going to feed them, until they got a point where he didn´t even have to give them food for them to start salivating.
3. Identify the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned response from Pavlov's experiment.
The  Conditioned Stimilus was the bell, the unconditioned stimulus was the food and the conditioned response was the salivation.4. Explain what extinction means in relation to classical conditioning.
Extinction is when the conditioned stimilus in thsi case the bell is presented with no unconditioned stimilus whic is the food. This makes the dog unlearn what he was taught because now the bell does not cause salivation, the dog knows he is not etting any food after hearing the bell.
5. Explain what stimulus generalization means in relation to classical conditioning.
Stimilus generealization occurs when it creates a conditioned reflex. This means that for example if the dog   has already associated one specific sound of a bell with the food and you change that sound o another and he still keeps associating it with the food he is generealizing the unconditioned stimilus.
6. Explain what sstimulus discrimination means in relation to classical conditioning.
Stimilus discriminations is the opposite of the above, it means that the new stimilus is too different from the last stimulus so it does not cause the same effect. The dog will not salivate to another sound because it is too different so he is discriminating against it. 7. Explain at least two limitations of this experiment.
One limitation was that it could have worked differently with dgs than with humans or other type of animals, and another limitation is that he only used two dogs to test his theory.
8. Explain what Pavlov theorized about how we learn
He thorized that we learn by classical condition meaning that we learn by association and by practice.

1. Explain (in detail) how Watson's "Little Albert" study was conducted.
This was an expiriment using a baby boy called Little Albert. Watson showed him some furry animals like a rat to see how he responded to them, but he didn´t cry and was not scared as they were in front of him. Later Watson associated the white rat with a loud and scary noise making little Albert cry, this made him be afraid of rats and other furry animals.
2. Identify the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned response from Watson's study
The Conditioned Stimulus was the rat, The unconditioned stimilus was the noise and the consitioned response was was little Albert scared and crying. 3. Explain at least two limitations of this study.
One limitation was that he only used one child and that he only did it one time and cannot be repited.  
4. Explain Watson's law of frequency.
This law of frequency said that the more frequent a stimilus was the habit of the response will become stronger.
5. Explain Watson's law of recency.
The law of recency was that the more recently response has occured, the most likely that the response will be associated to the stimilus used.
6. Explain the basic assumptions of behaviorism according to Watson.
Watson said that our behavior has to do with our environment and that we learn by observation. He believed that psychology had nothing to do with peoples minds but with behaviorism.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Articles about sleep

Judith A. Owens, M.D M.P.H of the Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, and colleagues, contributed Rhode Island high schools to a new study about delay of school start time. School was delayed one hour students that got 8 hours increased from 35.7 to 50%, then students who got at least 9 hours of sleep also increased from 6.3 to 10.8%. The delay also contributed to drop the percentage of teen car accidents because kids are more awake and have less possibilities to crash. After this study students had to make a survey of their sleep habits and the majority of the students were angry about the school start time and felt annoyed and unhappy during the day. (from 65.8 to 45.1 students) I think that this study is really interesting because it shows how only 30 minutes can change the mood of a teenager and can drop rates of car accidents enourmosely. 1995-2010 ScienceDaily LLC

This article from the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology published on October 26, 2010 talks about how the lack of sleep affects us differently. 12 to 38% of those with gene variant are considered healthy sleepers. To make the study 92 healthy adults without the gene variant were compared to 37 healthy adults who had the gene variant but did not have any sleep disorders, those with gene variant woke up twice as many times as those whitout the gene variant during the 5 days they were examined. I think this study proves us that some people can be moody without their 8 or more hours of sleep and some people are more active. It also proves to us that people with the gene variation sleeps less than those without the gene variation and those with the gene variation also sleep uncomfortable while others sleep deeply. 

On June 9, at Sleep 2009, the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies was proved that students that are more alert and do their best during later in the day get a poor amount and quality of sleep and bad alertness. Some results show that students that are more active at late day lowered their college GPA to 2.84 than those who are active in the morning which have a college GPA of 3.18. Students show a big decrease between their transition from high school to college. I think that this report shows that if a student does not get enough amount of sleep a night before class they are going to be different and it is possible that their lack of sleep may affect their GPA because of the way their brains are working and their body is processing everything.