miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Edward Thorndike and B.F. Skinner

1. Explain Thorndike's puzzle-box experiment.
He placed a cat in a puzzle box and put a piece of salmon outside of it. The cat started to scratch the bars of the box like trying to get out and get the salmon. When he kept doing it and he realized he couldnt get out that way he started to move around the box and he bumps against the latch that opnes up the door. When the door opens the cat goes out and eats the salmon. This was done repeatedly and the more times the cat was put in the box the more times keeps bumping into the latch to open up the door and eat the piece f fish. 
2. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Effect".
The law of effect states that when a situation occurs and the response to that produces satisfaction then it is more likely for the situation to occur the same way it did las time; but ig the situation causes discomfort then it is less likely for the situation to happen as it did before.
3. Explain Thorndike's "Law of Exercise
The law of exercise states that the most closely a stimulus and a response are associated together, the more likely the particular response will follow the stimulus. this means that we learn by doing things and not by wacthing others do it and also by practice.

1. Explain Skinner's concept of Operant Conditioning
Its the effect of consequences of a particular behavior. there are four types of Operant Conditioning: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Punishment, and Extinction.
2. What does  reinforcement always do?
The particular behavior is reinforced menaing it will continue to happen because it gets a positive consequence that causes pleasure.
3. What does a punishment alsways do?
The beahvior is weakened because it receives a negative consequence which causes discomfort.
4. Explain the difference between "postive" and "negative" as they are used in opernat conditioning.
In the positive the behavior is stregthened because it will receive a positive condition and in a negative the behavior is stregthened to stop and avoid the negative condition it will receive.